My first time eating tuna was in the form of a boiled mess scopped from a sandwich assembly line and plopped into my 6 inch roll. This was back in 2004. It was my first year in the US. I never had tuna before that meal. And I never had tuna since.
That boiled scoopable tuna spoiled tuna for me for many years. I have opted for a meatball sub since then for the next twelve years and counting.
I will at times dig up a poor impression that I have been hiding away for a while and see if I can change my mind about it. Life is too short to dismiss something or someone forever. Forever is a long time. I turned my nose at tuna when I passed by it at the grocery store for twelve long years. Clearly I don't dig up those poor impressions often enough!
I cooked myself a tuna steak tonight with my dinner. I opted to cook the tuna blackened with copius amounts of cajun seasoning. The flavor in my memory had to go.
And it did!! Tuna steak was fantastic! I am glad I picked it up at the grocery store.
Small victories like this one make me want to revisit and reevaluate some of the other ideas that I have dismissed in the past. This is the kind of positive reinforcement that can be an effective life-hack of sorts.
Go ahead, try the tuna!